Parents & Guardians
Everything You Need to Know About Twinlow Camp: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents
Welcome to Twinlow Summer Camp’s 96th year! We are excited that you will be a part of our community this summer. Our theme for this summer will be announced in the spring of 2024. Below we list out some things to expect from Twinlow in an effort to keep you and your family safe as well as some helpful information to guide you through check in, check out, packing and more.
Get ready for an exciting week of praising God, swimming in the lake, playing games, making new friends, and singing great songs. We have been praying for you, and we can’t wait to welcome you to the best week of your summer.
Our Program Goals at Twinlow Are:
- Provide experiences of community built around Christian values
- Know the love and acceptance of God as revealed in Jesus through the Holy Spirit, the scripture, and the history of God’s people
- Heighten an appreciation of Creation and reinforce a sense of human responsibility as stewards of that Creation
- Know and act upon the meaning of God’s call to discipleship
- Give our campers new life skills to better themselves to who they were created to be
Click the links below to jump to each section:
Preparing Your Child For Camp
Resources for homesickness, what a day of camp looks like, first time camper help, and more.
Check In & Out
Information on how to breeze through checking in and checking out your camper(s).
Packing List
What to bring and what to leave at home for a great week of camp.
Registration & Account Management
Pictures and video on how to register, pay, and manage your camper(s) online registration.
Preparing Your Child For Overnight Camp
Day Camp Parents/Guardians: information regarding Day Camp can be found on the Day Camp page.
Success at camp and how to avoid homesickness:
We want to help you as a parent prepare your child for success at camp. While homesickness is very rare at Twinlow where we play hard all day, we want to give you some tried-and-true tips and techniques to help your child prepare for a week away from their normal routine. Please visit this link for an excellent article published by the American Camp Association.
For additional information on preparing your child for camp, we recommend reading this article published in HuffPost.
How to prepare for a COVID-19 safe week at camp:
COVID-19 is still a serious illness that we take seriously at camp. We ask that families do their best to avoid large gatherings, travel, or spending time with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19. If your camper(s) show any symptoms of COVID-19 before their arrival at camp please test them before arrival. We ask that any camper who tests positive stays home in order to keep others safe. We can work with you if your camper(s) miss a week due to COVID.
Emergencies: In case of family emergency where you might need to contact the camp, please call our office, which rings to the Director’s cell phone. If after hours, please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can. The phone number is:
(208) 352-2671
Injury/Illness: It is your right as a parent/guardian to know about and be involved with healthcare administered to your child. You will be informed and consulted in cases of illness or injury to your camper which is outside the scope of care of our Health Care Provider.
In the case of COVID-19, if your child has any COVID symptoms or is exposed to a person who tests positive for COVID-19 we will be contacting you to pick up your camper and follow the proper procedures suggested by either Panhandle Health Department or your primary care physician. We will refund you all registration fees but the $50 deposit if this does happen. COVID is already a bummer, we do not want to add to that.
Medications: Please send only enough medication for your child for the week of camp. Have medications in a zip lock bag that is labeled with the camper’s name and program (e.g. Primary 2 or Middle School Fine Arts) Medications must be in original packaging/bottle that identifies:
- Prescribing physician
- Name of medication
- The dosage
- Frequency of administration
Medications will be turned into the Camp Healthcare Provider and will be kept under lock for the duration of the week. You will have a chance to visit with the Camp Healthcare Provider upon check in at the camp for any information that needs to get passed along.
Special Needs: If your child has any special needs, such as diet, facilities, safety issues or other concerns, please contact us prior to the beginning of camp. A great place to list these is on the Health and History Form, which you completed when you register, but you can let us know by emailing, calling, or when you check in. Dietary needs are especially helpful a week before.
Food: Your camper will be provided with three nutritionally balanced meals and 1-2 snacks per day. Do not send your camper(s) with snacks. We ask this to keep other campers safe, to keep critters out of buildings, and for fairness. Your camper(s) will have access to snacks during the day and they can purchase fun snacks and drinks at Snack Shack every afternoon. Please make sure you have listed any special dietary needs on your registration form. We do everything we can to make sure their needs are met. Extra special diets, we appreciate you bring any special food and our cooks can store them in the kitchen.
Photos: We will be uploading photos to a Google Drive. A link to the Google Folder for your camper’s week will be shared with you. We appreciate your patience as we can take a few weeks to upload photos. We have hired a professional photographer and it can take them a few weeks to upload and edit photos. We ask that our campers do not bring digital cameras with them to camp. Cell phones are NOT ALLOWED during the week of camp.
Electronics: Here at Twinlow we are proud to be an electronic device free environment. We encourage campers to put their screens down and experience God’s creation and the in person community. For this reason, we ask that all electronics, including cell phones, stay at home. If you or your camper(s) are uncomfortable being without a phone for a week your camper(s) may not be ready for camp. Please note that we will collect phones from campers that bring them and return them on Friday.
Mail: Getting mail during the week can often be a highlight for campers. We encourage loved ones to send mail to your camper, if they send letters via mail please make sure they are sent a week ahead of time to guarantee delivery. Please do not send food. It is unfair to other campers, snacks are not allowed in the cabins, and it can pose a risk to other campers if there are allergies.
Pro Tip: What we have found works best is to pre-write letters and give those to us at check in.
Visiting Camp: We ask that you do not visit or telephone your camper(s) during the camp week. For safety reasons, persons not registered at camp are not allowed on site during camp sessions. If for any reason your camper is having a difficult time, our Camp Director will contact you.
Check In & Out
Day Camp Parents/Guardians: Information regarding Day Camp check in and out can be found on the Day Camp Page
Check in is Sunday for ALL Campers.
11:00 am – 12:00 pm for Campers enrolled in a Middle or High School Camps – 7th grade and older.
To help our check in process run smoothly we ask that Primary and Elementary Campers wait until 1:00 pm for their check in. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause families dropping off multiple ages of campers. We will not allow Primary or Elementary Campers to check in before 1:00 pm.
1:00 – 2:00 pm for Primary and Elementary Campers – 6th grade and younger
If you arrive after 1:00 pm we ask that your camper(s) come having eaten lunch. When you arrive you can line up at the Check-In table. If your camper(s) have medication for the week please have that in a zip lock back labeled with their name(s) and program they are in.
If you have a remaining balance please be ready to pay that at check in.
If your camper(s) has money for the Snack Shack they will turn that in at check in. We will write the amount down and we work on a debit system all weeks so campers don’t have to keep track of cash. We give any remaining balance back at check out.
High School campers who drive themselves will be asked to turn in their keys to camp office for the week of camp.
Check out is Wednesday for Primary Campers
11:00 am Wednesday for Primary Campers
Check out is Thursday for Elementary, Middle and High School Campers
3:00 pm for Elementary Campers
3:00 – 5:00 pm for Middle and High School Campers
Please inform us which time you will be picking your camper up to help check out run smoother. Thank you!
Camp Store will be open and you will have the opportunity to purchase camp swag: stuffies, hoodies, hats, stickers and more.
Check out has three phases:
- Check-out with the Pill Patrol and make sure you have your camper’s medications.
- Check-out with the Camp Store. Use any remaining funds to grab camp swag or a snack for the road. You also can take home any remaining funds. OR donate the remainder to camp! Thank you very much.
- Check-out with camp staff. They will have your name to confirm that you are the one taking the child home. They will also need to write your vehicle licence plate down.
Packing List
Medications in a labeled zip lock bag(if needed)
Reusable water bottle
Swimwear – make sure swimwear is appropriate for playing
Jackets or sweatshirts for evenings
Towel for showering and waterfront
Shorts and/or Pants
Socks and Underwear
Closed-toe shoes (tennis shoes)
Sandals (No Flip-Flops please)
Sleeping bag and pillow
Extra blanket
Toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, deodorant, and other toiletries
Lifejacket – We have plenty, but this year it would be helpful if campers brought their own as we are trying to limit sharing this summer.
Sunglasses, hat, or visor
Book to read during rest time
Small stuffed animal for bedtime
Money for camp store
Water sport toys if enrolled in Water Sports Camps
Please Do Not Bring:
iPods, cell phones, or any other electronic device
Snacks or food
Alcoholic beverages, tobacco products or non-prescription drugs
Anything that would hurt someone, weapons such as a knife or fireworks
Registration & Account Management
We run registration online through a software called, CampBrain. This software can be confusing to some so we are here to help. For more information on How to Register your camper(s) and Manage Your Account click here. We have a few short videos that will walk you through the whole process.
How to Register Your Child:
We have created a step by step guide with video instructions to help with registration. Please click the link below:
How to get here:
Twinlow is located five minutes from Rathdrum, Idaho, just off of Highway 41.
You can find us by typing Twinlow Camp & Retreat Center into Google Maps or Apple Maps on your smartphone.
Or, if you want more traditional instructions, here is how to find us:
- Head north on Highway 41 out of Rathdrum for about 5 minutes.
- Turn LEFT on Par 3 Golf Course Rd.
- Then turn RIGHT on Twinlow Rd. We are about ¼ mile down the road. You’ll see the Twinlow sign.
- Don’t worry if you miss the first turn. There is a second chance to turn LEFT on Twin Lakes Rd.
- If you turn on Twin Lakes Rd., take a LEFT on Twinlow Rd. We are about a quarter of a mile down the road on the right. You’ll see the Twinlow sign.
- Pull in and say hello! We like it when people say hello.
Twinlow Camp and Retreat Center
22787 N Twinlow Rd.
Rathdrum, ID 83858
If you have any questions, we would love to help and chat:
Twinlow Map:
Click the Twinlow map above to enlarge.

*United Methodist, Military, Volunteer, and First Responder discounts are available.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I Register with Paper?
No. Our registration system is completely online now. Please feel free to contact us.
What if I don’t know all of my camper’s medical information?
Fill out the form the best of your knowledge. You can always go back in and make changes. We just need the most accurate information by check in.
What if I am getting a Campership from my church, how does that work?
Usually churches will coordinate with us to arrange payment and payments are automatically applied to your account as we receive them. However, it is your responsibility to make sure your balance is paid by check in.
Can I pay over the phone?
Yes. Give us a call (208) 352-2671
Can multiple people pay for one camper?
What if I forgot my login information?
There is a forgot login link. We have no control over login information so we cannot help you with that.
I forgot what week I signed my camper up for, how do I look that up?
You can always log back into your acount and that information is available there.
Can I register a child that is not mine?
No. Only legal guardians and parents can register campers.
When will I get emails with camp information?
Usually emails with information about camp start going out in May. You will get another email about two weeks before camp with some updated information. You may also receive an email during your camper’s week with check out information.
What if we are late to check in?
Please call us and let us know you are running late and give us an ETA. If you are late and forgot to call we may be calling you.
Can I pick my camper(s) up early?
Yes, please arrange that with the camp office.
We homeschool so I don’t know what grade my camper is going into.
We divide our camps based on school year. Generally 1st – 3rd graders are 6-9 years old, 4th – 6th graders are 9-11 years old, 7th – 9th graders are 12 – 14 years old, 10th – 12th graders are 15-18 years old.
Can I pay with check or cash?
Yes, we accept cash, cards and checks made out toTwinlow Camp & Retreat Center.
Why are you asking me about camper pronouns?
Because we are inclusive and loving of everyone and want our campers to feel welcome. If you have any questions about our inclusivity policy feel free to give us a call (208) 352-2671
What if my camper gets homesick?
Our staff are trained to help guide campers through big feelings such as feeling homesick. However, you can help before your camper even arrives by talking about how great camp is going to be. In very rare cases the camp Director may call you for backup.
What if my camper is not a good swimmer?
That is okay. All campers will wear a lifevest when in the lake. Also, we always have American Red Cross certified lifeguards on duty during lake activities.
Do you background check your staff?
Yes, we do a federal and state background check as well as training on appropriate adult to child behavior.
What religion is this camp?
We are owned by the United Methodist Church. We are a Christian camp.
How much bible time will my camper get?
Every morning we learn a bible story, get to experience it through play and activities, and every night it is reviewed by our Camp Pastor.
What happens if my camper gets hurt?
If it is beyond the scope of care of our staff we will call EMS and then the parent/guardian of the injured/sick camper. For minor injuries you may be briefed at check out or with a phone call.
Can my camper be with their friend/sibling/cousin?
Yes if they are in the same program they will be grouped together.
Is their A/C in the cabins?
No. We have fans in each cabin and we have found that with the cool evenings that is sufficient.
What do you do about extreme weather (heat or smoke)?
If the AQI gets to a dangrous level we will cancel camp. If it is unhealthy we may move activities indoors temporarily, if it looks like we may be indoors too much we may cancel camp. In the event of a cancelation refunds will be issued.
My camper is a picky eater, what do you do about that?
We work with children and picky eaters is nothing new to us. We have a child friendly menu that gives campers the opportunity to be picky and still be fed. If it is severe enough that they are not eating at all you will be contacted by the Camp Director.
I don’t feel safe with my camper being without a way to contact me, can they have their cell phone?
No. We run a cell phone free camp so that campers can experience face to face interactions. If you or your camper cannot go without that form of communication for one week we may not be the right camp for you.
My camper likes to fall asleep to music, can they bring their phone just for that?
No. We run a cell phone free camp. Our days are jam packed with activity and campers usually sleep very well away from the noise and distraction of electronics.
Camp Store
Twinlow has a camp store and campers have the option of purchasing additional snacks and drinks during free time. $10-20 is plenty of money for the week outside of clothing purchases. To see what we offer in the camp store, visit our Camp Store page.