Making a Donation is Easy:
Make a donation to Twinlow Camp and Retreat Center today. It will be used where it is needed most. Give the gift of camp. Thank you.
Single gift
Monthly gift
$30 Monthly
$50 monthly
$100 monthly
If you’d prefer to send us a check, make the check payable to Twinlow Camp and send to:
Twinlow Camp & Retreat Center
22787 N. Twinlow Rd.
Rathdrum, ID 83858

Why is camp important?
A camp experience can be one of the most powerful and formative times in one’s life. Camp can often be the first opportunity for kids to develop their “unique voice” that will serve them throughout their lives. Discovering leadership potential, experiencing an intentional Christian community, discovering the outdoors, building self-esteem, and strengthening personal faith are all central to what the camp experience is all about. Plus, it’s just plain fun!
Twinlow Camp was created to offer outdoor and retreat ministry to all people and campers. Gifts to Twinlow help ensure that we are around for another 86 years. The gifts go directly to keeping camp affordable for our families, improving services to campers and guests, providing safe and comfortable facilities, and providing relevant and engaging programs.
How it works:
Twinlow is a not-for-profit organization of the United Methodist Church. Give with confidence—knowing Twinlow is an American Camp Association accredited camp. Also, your gifts are always tax deductible.
To make a financial contribution:
Credit Card Donations can be made hassle-free via PayPal using the buttons below. Also, please consider joining our monthly giving club by choosing the monthly amount you would like to give below, and let PayPal do the rest for you.
If you’d prefer to send us a check, please make the check payable to Twinlow Camp and send to the address provided above. As always, thank you very much.
Giving always makes an impact.

Many other ways to donate to Twinlow Camp:
Select a service by clicking a logo below, and help a camper this summer:

United Methodist Endowment Fund
Join with the many families who have remembered Twinlow in their plans. Because of our partnership with the Northwest United Methodist Foundation, we can assist you in gift planning. Click the link or contact our director for more info.

Thrivant Choice
If you are a Thrivent Financial member, we would be honored to be your recipient of your Thrivent Choice money. With Thrivent Choice®, you can recommend where some of Thrivent Financial’s charitable outreach funds go.

Amazon Smile
Amazon donates 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the charitable organization of your choice. Same products, same prices, same Amazon Prime benefits. Support Twinlow by shopping here.

Item Wish List
Another Amazon option is to buy items off of our wish list and have them sent to us! Click the link to see what items are on our wish list!

Fred Meyer Community
You can help Twinlow earn donations just by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card! Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card. Search for us by our name or by our non-profit number. (92633)
Making a Donation is Easy:
Make a donation to Twinlow Camp and Retreat Center today. It will be used where it is needed most. Give the gift of camp. Thank you.
Single gift
Monthly gift
$30 montly
$50 monthly
$100 monthly
If you’d prefer to send us a check, please make the check payable to Twinlow Camp and send to:
Twinlow Camp & Retreat Center
22787 N. Twinlow Rd.
Rathdrum, ID 83858